4. Labyrinths of roma style


The roma labyrinth is simple and interesting and beautiful and can be used in many cases like for squares of flagstones and floors of mosaic. The name roma (for Rome, Roman Empire) is used here for those labyrinths in roman style that are in accordance with the principles given here. These principles of the Roma-Piadena labyrinth can be used to design the series of labyrinths shown in a number of examples in this section.


Section 3A shows a broad view of non-Piadena Roman labyrinths.



Roma principle

The main principle for square and circular roma labyrinths:

  • the labyrinth is distinctly divided into 4 quadrants with 4 radial lanes in the 4 quadrant lines
  • quadrant 2 and 3 is a precise repetition of quadrant 1
  • quadrant 4 is either = quadrant 1 or a necessary variation that apparently is similar

4 similar quadrants will have the entrance as well as the exit at the outer edge of the labyrinth.

When the labyrinth has the final goal in the centre the 4’ quadrant must be different and “turn” the wavy outward movement inward towards the centre.

  • We have seen by the analysis of the real Roma-Piadena Labyrinth that the lane pattern in each quadrant was according to a wave pattern and that the outer edge of the quadrant was an unbroken lane, see fig. r2 detail A.

These principles are used to design a system of roma quadrants for quadrant 1 in fig. r2 and for quadrant 4 in fig. r3 and fig. r4 according to the wave forms shown in fig. r1.




Entrance at the top

The labyrinths here are orientated in the same way as the real Roma-Piadena Labyrint is pictured, i.e. with the entrance at the top on the drawing, and when entering quadrant 1 is on the right hand and quadrant 4 on the left hand (so counter clockwise cirkulation). (Section 3A shows other slightly different types of Roman labyrinths).


Entrance as well as exit at the outer edge

As shown in some examples the roma labyrinth can, besides having the goal in the centre like troja and chartres, also have both the entrance and the exit at the outer edge, see e.g. fig. r16. The lane pattern is then such that you with fear walk the wavy way towards the centre where the monster waits to capture you, and then just before you are grasped by its claws you haste outwards along the quadrant line lane to start walk the next quadrant. You show your courage by defying these dangers and walk the whole labyrinth. These labyrinths have 4 identical quadrants, so they are much easier to design and to fit than labyrinths with the final goal in the centre.



Unit for length and area is 1 check, e.g. 1 x 1 meter, 1 = total lane width, or the distance from lane centre line to lane centre line.


Labyrinth symbols used on this website

Su11-1rp5-1 means: S = Square, u = outside exit, 11 = 11 big cross section, 1 = 1 big centre space, rp = roma(-piadena) model, 5 = 5 oscillations in the wave, 1 = number.

Ci18-2ch: C = Circle, i = internal goal (lane finish), ch = chartres model.

Ri14/15-1tr: R14/15 = Rectangle 14 x 15, tr = troja.



Contents for figures:


Fig. r1: Wave symbols

Fig. r2: Quadrant 1

Fig. r3: Quadrant 4 complying wiht H

Fig. r4: Quadrant 4 complying with K

Fig. r5: Si9-1 and Si17-1

Fig. r6: Si13-1

Fig. r7: Si9-3 and Si13-3

Fig. r8: Si19-3

Fig. r9: Si21-1, -1

Fig. r10: Si21-1, -2

Fig. r11: Si21-1, -3

Fig. r12: Si25-1, -1

Fig. r13: Si25-1, -2

Fig. r14: Si29-3

Fig. r15:Form AABA Si9-1, Si17-1

Fig. r16: Various roma labyrinths



Tegning af 8 bølgefigurer til labyrinter


Fig. r1: Wave symbols

Basic wave symbols for labyrinths.

In the Roma-Piadena Labyrinth the lane pattern of each quadrant is a wave figure. In the troja labyrinths the lane pattern of the whole labyrinth is a wave figure. The shown wave figures will be used here.

Symbol B: ”the basic wave”.

Appears in troja 1 with wave part 1 – 3.

Symbol C: ”wave breaking from crest”.

Appears in troja 2 with wave part 2 – 8. Appears in Roma-Piadena quadrant 1 – 3 moving from 9 to 1.

Symbol D: ”rolling breaking”.

Appears in troja 3 with wave part 2 – 12.

Symbol E: ”bounced breaking”.

Symbol F: ”leaping breaking”.

Symbol H: ”snake wave”.

Appears in Roma-Piadena quadrant 4.

Symbol K: ”snake wave with loose skin”.

The shown “wrinkles” on the ”snake skin” on the lane inwards and outwards will appear more or less in the roma labyrinths shown here.


In the following there are labyrinth examples of all the types of wave symbols here.

Tegning af 17 kvadrant 1 ud fra 3 bølgefigurer

Fig. r2: Quadrant 1

Elementary roma quadrants complying with wave B, C, and D for quadrant 1 – 3 in roma labyrinths.

Quadrant 1 is shown here, with the centre of the labyrinth in the lower right corner.

For a labyrinth there can be used 4 identical quadrants, e.g. S11 turned 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°, placed around the joint centre. The labyrinth will then be 11 x 11 square big and has both the entrance and exit at the outer edge, Su11, se Su11-1rp5-1 in fig. r16 in this roma section. If a special quadrant 4 from the following 2 figures is used the labyrinth has its goal in the centre, Si11.

The quadrants are designed using the 3 basic wave forms B, C, and D, and using the basic roma-piadena principles shown in detail A. The smallest quadrant included here is S7 with 1 wave B. S15 has 3 waves B, or 1½ wave C, or 1 wave D. Bigger quadrants are constructed in the same way. The real Roma-Piadena Labyrint uses S21 wave C with 4 checks from the quadrant used for the centre square (which in total is 3 x 3 checks).

Tegning af 8 kvadrant 4 ud fra slangebølge H formet efter bølge B, C og D

Fig. r3: Quadrant 4 complying with wave H

Elementary roma quadrants for quadrant 4 in roma labyrinth with its goal in the centre.

Wave form H, "the snake wave” is used, i.e. walking outwards and inwards along the same route, where then the snake is waving according to wave form B or C or D.

As a double line (lane) is needed (both outwards and inwards lane) there is a need of more area, so that not so many proposals for quadrants are obtained. So it can be relevant to depart from the double line and change to wave form K in fig. r4 below, as shown in the examples, also with the intension of getting more beautiful solutions for the roma labyrinth.

Compare Si21 wave B to the Roma-Piadena in detail F in fig. Rp2 mirrored diagonally.

Tegning af 12 kvadrant 4 med bølge K

Fig. r4: Quadrant 4 complying with wave K

Elementary roma quadrants for quadrant 4 in roma labyrinths with its goal in the centre.

Wave form K is used, i.e. there are deviations from the double line in the snake wave H in the preceding figure, fig. r5.

Wave K shown in detail K with the shown 2 minor waves are both used in L and N and with one minor wave in C, D, H , J, M, and P. There are more variants as here shown for Si13 in E and F.

More adjustment variations are shown in other figures with labyrinths (e.g. fig. r11).

4 variations of Si13 are shown here, but by making only small changes in e.g. detail C several more proposals can be obtained, which then like in detail F will deviate a little from the regular wave form.

The small Si5 in detail A is without a radial lane in quadrant 4.

Si9 is also a double line snake wave in a mirrored form compared to Si9 in fig. r3.


3+1 quadrants = labyrinth

Quadrants from the 3 figures with elementary quadrants (fig. r2 + r3, or r2 + r4) can then be combined to complete labyrinths.

To get a beautiful impression of quadrant 4 together with the other quadrants the quadrants should be selected with care and small changes in the lane trace should be tried, as it is seen in the shown examples in the following figures (see e.g. fig. r9 together with r10, and r11).


4 total different quadrants can also be combined to a labyrinth, a more different labyrinth to walk, but then it is not roma style as defined in this section. (A possible mistaken exception is the Wales roma-Labyrinth in fig. ra14 in section 3A).


Tegning af 2 stk. 9 og 1 stk. 17 kvadrat labyrint samt deres bølgeanalyse


Fig. r5: Si9-1 and Si17-1

Roma labyrinths size 9 square and 17 square are combined by the elementary quadrants from the above fig. r2 and r3.

Si9 in A, B, and C and Si17 have the wave form C, and in quadrant 4 wave form H.

Si9 in E, F, and J has wave form B and H, see also Si9-3 in fig. r7 below with the wave form.

By viewing the labyrinths artistically in detail D, J and M it can then be evaluated how well quadrant 4 fits in with the other quadrants in a quick glance.


Tegning af 2 stk. 13 kvadrat labyrint samt deres bølgeanalyse


Fig. r6: Si13-1

Roma labyrinth size 13 square with wave form D and H, and wave form D and K.

The labyrinth in detail F, Si13-1rp7-1, is made by elementary quadrants from fig. r2 and r3 with wave form H.

The slightly different labyrinth above in detail A, Si13-1rp7-2, is made by elementary quadrants from fig. r2 and r4 with wave form K, where wave form K in detail K has a small deviation from the double line of wave form H to change quadrant 4 a little in detail E. I find this a more beautiful roma labyrinth with better conformity and symmetry from quadrant 1 to quadrant 4.


Tegning af 1 stk. 9 og 1 stk. 13 kvadrat labyrint samt deres bølgeanalyse


Fig. r7: Si9-3 and Si13-3

Roma labyrinth size 9 and 13 square with wave form B and H and with a centre square.

Si 9 and 13 square with wave form B and C can easily have those checks in the centre removed, while this is not so easy for wave form D used in the preceding figure (fig. r6).


Tegning af 1 stk. 19 kvadrat labyrint samt dets bølgeanalyse

Fig. r8: Si19-3

Roma labyrinth size 19 square with waveform D and K and with centre square 3 x 3.

19 is not the most simple standard size for quadrant 4, and wave D is not the most simple form for cutting out a centre square, but it is done here with some small moving of the exit to the centre goal.

It is seen that it is rather simple to cut out a centre square of 5 x 5 size, for Si19-5rp.



Tegning af 1 stk. 21 kvadrat labyrint samt dets bølgeanalyse

Fig. r9: Si21-1, -1

Roma labyrinth size 21 square with wave form E and H.

If a centre square of 3 x 3 is wanted it can be obtained with a very small change of the lane trace in quadrant 1 – 3 as shown above for Si13-3rp5-1 in fig. r7, or as shown by the real Roma-Piadena Labyrint Si21-3rp9-1.



Tegning af 1 stk. 21 kvadrat labyrint samt dets bølgeanalyse


Fig. r10: Si21-1, -2

Roma labyrinth size 21 square with wave form F and K.

A centre square of 3 x 3 can be obtained like in the preceding figure (fig. r9) e.g. to be compared with the real Roma-Piadena Labyrinth Si21-3rp9-1.


Fig. r11: Si21-1, -3

Roma labyrinth size 21 square with wave form E and K.

The labyrinth does not have a continues edge lane, as the upwards orientated tip of the tong in detail E “breaks through”, so here it does not completely fulfil our roma principle (roma-piadena principle). It can though easy be corrected by withdrawing the tip of the tong a little. But otherwise this is just an example of a different labyrinth.



Tegning af 1 stk. 25 kvadrat labyrint samt dets bølgeanalyse

Fig. r12: Si25-1, -1

Roma labyrinth size 25 square with wave form D and with wave form H and C in square 4.

See the next figure (fig. r13) with a changed (and more beautiful) quadrant 4.


Tegning af 1 stk. 25 kvadrat labyrint samt dets bølgeanalyse

Fig. r13: Si25-1, -2

Roma labyrinth size 25 square with wave form D and K.



Tegning af 1 stk. 29 kvadrat labyrint samt dets bølgeanalyse


Fig. r14: Si29-3

Roma labyrinth size 29 square with wave form D and H and with a centre square.


Tegning af 2 stk 9 kvadrat og 1 stk. 17 kvadrat labyrint ændret til AABA' form

Fig. r15:Form AABA Si9-1, Si17-1

Roma labyrinths traversing the 4 quadrants according to the form A,A,B,A’.

In music the form AABA is often used. Roma labyrinths have the form AAAB. Here there is shown examples of changing the form AAAB to AABA’ for 3 roma labyrinths. A’ is A mirrored and A’ is traversed, walked, in the opposite direction of A, as the direction is turned in B. See also fig. Rp3.


Tegning af 18 stk. roma labyrinter

Fig. r16: Various roma labyrinths.

Besides the labyrinths we have studied above a lot more can be designed that more or less complies with the roma principles. In this figure a few are shown and some of them are commented here.

Si5 in A does not have a quadrant lane in quadrant 4.

Si7 in D is missing a quadrant line.

K, L, M, N show a 2 wide edge border and this is too narrow for the roma principle.

H, U, X show a 3 wide edge border and then the roma principle can be included. H, U, X can easily be extended to other sizes of squares and rectangles with a 3 wide edge border. This is done for U as the roma segment labyrinth in the big combined labyrinth in fig. ph1, and equivalent for S in fig. ph2.

Su11 in Z is only included to indicate how to proceed to expand the labyrinths to include parts with e.g. plants, sandboxes etc.

A lot more suggestions to labyrinths can be drawn, so often it is possible to find a solution for the given conditions.




Contents of the other sections:


0    Labyrinths, summary

1    Labyrinths, introduction

2    Troja labyrinths

3    Roma-Piadena Labyrinth

5    Chartres Labyrinth in Chartres

6    Labyrinths of chartres style

7    Comparing labyrinth-examples